The purpose of this advert is to inform children around the age of twelve years old about an upcoming movie and to persuade the viewer to watch this movie being advertised. This can be seen through the use of the young boy in the centre of the advert.The target audience is aimed at twelve year olds who are about to enter secondary school and to inform them about the differences they will face in secondary school. This is seen through the words "This isn't a movie. It's a survival guide." This can also be seen through the bright colours used which help the advert stand out to the younger viewers eye, the cartoon drawings and the use of the young boy. The are a number of advertising features used in the advertisement such as; the use of short sentences or catch phrases, an example of this is "It isn't a movie. It's a survival guide." This catches the viewers attention because it is short but effective. Another feature used is hyperbole, such as the word "cool" which is used before kids.
Structure, Form and Layout
The structure of this advert is very spread out. This is seen through the dispersion of the text, for example the title of the movie Diary of a Wimpy Kid is in the bottom right hand corner and the "slogan" for the movie advertisement is in the top left hand corner. The text also differs in colour which enables the advertisement to capture the viewers attention. The form of this advertisement is print media because it is an advert for a movie.
The layout of this movie advertisement mainly contains 2D objects such as the writing and the cartoons drawn around the boy. There is also a boy in the centre of the advert and appears to stand out the most, this indicates that this advert is for children around twelve years of age. The use of bright colours are also used which indicates that the movie wouldn't be sad or dull, it would be positive. The bright colours also appeal to the young viewers eyes. The facial expressions on the boys face show that he is confused or trying to figure something out. The words "cool kids" and "nerds and geeks" also portray a message to the viewer and links the viewer back to the facial expressions on the boys face allowing them to comprehend the text and facial expressions.
Written and Visual Techniques
The bright, bold colours used in the advertisement for the movie Diary of a Wimpy Kid allows this to stay in the minds of the viewer for a short amount of time. The spaced out text and design of the advert allows the viewer to look at the whole advert for a longer amount of time enabling the viewer to absorb the information and remember the advertisement. The advertisement also looks like the boy has created the advert due to the drawings on the advertisement and the background that is paper from a school notebook.
The advertisement has carefully been set out as the viewers eyes go straight to the big black writing in the left hand corner, then to the boy in the centre, then down to the bottom right hand corner where the title of the movie Diary of a Wimpy Kid is displayed. This takes the viewer on a short journey from the slogan to the boy who is the main character and then leaves the title of the movie in the viewers head. The use of these written and visual techniques all contribute to making this advertisement an effective marketing tool.
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